Privacy Policy

We're proud to say we don't track your use of this website.

We're not interested in where you're visiting from, which website you'll head to next, or how you got here. We only care that you're here now, and we're thankful for it.

We don't use cookies, or collect any personal information. We don't even collect any information about your device, or how long you stay on our site, or the pages you visit during your stay.

We really mean it when we say we care about your privacy.

Changes to this policy

This privacy policy may be changed without notice in the future. Although we don't currently plan to do so, in the future we might start to collect data from your device which we deem to be relevant to our business aims.

By using this website, you accept the terms of this privacy policy, as displayed on this page, at the time of your visit.

©Heron Web Ltd. Last updated: January 2021.